09 September, 2005

... and so it begins

...and so it begins; an uneasy calm has settled across the office, after the initial bombshell impact of Wednesday morning. I think that we're only now truly grasping the full impact of the Sllenoc effect.

People that I'm used to seeing every day are falling under the infection. It's happening as I type !

We're seeing usually rational people unable to think clearly; usually placid people prone to fits of rage and unusual savagery. Things simply aren't as they should be here.

There is something rotten eating at the heart of this office.

And we fear that worse is to come.

I've heard rumours that the next that we can expect in this zombification process is the doppleganger effect. A seat that was occupied by an ordinarily useful and productive individual one day, will be occupied by a kind of 'non-person' the next. They'll try and fulfil that person's duties as they should. They'll exist under the same job title and role hierarchy as they always have done. They'll even volunteer to get the drinks from the coffee machine every once in a while.

But they won't be that person. Not the person that they once were...

...and it's going to happen soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's been eight months now since the infection laid waste to our office here in the beachside town of donkeyride.
at least for us it was quick.
we didn't know what was happening to us, until they were already upon us...
flee now. leave whilst you still can... if you have advance warning leave now, go GO