16 September, 2005

... an unsettling calm

... an unsettling calm descended across the floor this afternoon, as the usurpers disappeared one by one. There is a faint hope around the office that they may never return. I'm afraid that I don't subscribe to this point of view.

Oh how I wish I did.

... but there was something in their demeanor when they left; a smile that flickered across their eyes, if not their lips, that tells me that they are not done with us yet.

Other parasites troubled us today, though. A couple of soul-destroying monsters who clearly took great pleasure in draining any hope or optimism from those unfortunate enough to fall under their gaze. I hope that we have no further contact with their kind in this awful process, although they are doubtless just a part of this accursed blight.

Also, we're starting to receive messages from 'down there', which appear to comprise of little or no logic, but rather are simply outpourings of bile & stupidity. The further into this process we wade, the more of these irritations we seem to have to endure. It's as if we're slowly getting closer and closer to a vast seething mass of bitterness and inadequacy.

I beseech all that is good and holy in this world that we're spared ever having to suffer the nauseating presence of this behemoth.

C will not see Monday morning, but there are no more departures imminent thankfully.

V : 1 / F : 2

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